Saturday, April 28, 2007

Lost Cause?

Now the Congress has said what it's said,
That our troops from Iraq should be lead,
But a veto is near,
Can George Bush only hear,
The voices inside his own head?

Story here: Congress tells Bush to bring troops home


gaw said...

The dems claim there is no way to win,
So surrender and retreat must begin,
Patting themselves on the back,
They say "To hell with Iraq,"
Their only care is the next election.

Unknown said...

Set a timeline and withdraw is the thought,
For a war that should never have been fought,
We replaced a despot with civil war,
As fatalities are more and more,
What hath America wrought?

gaw said...

"War is hell," Sherman said,
Many Union soldiers dead,
Stopping short of the sea,
Withdrawing in the face of Lee,
Dems would have defeat legislated.

Unknown said...

Sacrifice to "secure peace" is lyric,
yet, Iraq's military solution is at best esoteric,
Withdrawal is a chore,
The administration chooses to ignore,
Hoping instead for victory, no matter how Pyrrhic.

Roxy said...

The government is an inept power,
Behind fake wars they cower,
If only it was like 24,
To solve all that you abhor,
Just call Jack Bauer!

gaw said...

Once, we stared down fate,
The place, Charley's Gate,
We must get out,
There is no doubt,
Our Germanic exit is late!

gaw said...

In an attempt to be sublime,
I composed a cute little rhyme,
But I spelled Charlie,
Just like a Harley,
Better use my spill chuck next time!